loving what I do

June 4, 2014

I can remember it like it was yesterday.

It was towards the end of my Senior year in high school and the teacher was talking to us about our plans and asking us what we were going to do with our futures.

I was just shy of 18 years old and although I knew what some of my passions were…I didn’t know how to implement them into my college years or even if I wanted to!

I knew I wasn’t going to “go away” to college.

It wasn’t something that I was that interested in doing and I knew that I could live at home, work and go to school.

Less than a month after that teacher talk, I got the opportunity presented to me of being a “nanny” to three children (all 5 and under)!

I could feel like this might be a good plan and it was from there that I started my Early Education degree.

I would work all day and then go to school at night.  It was a perfect fit for me and it allowed me to pursue making some money and earning my degree at the same time!


Now, I get to work with kids, be there for my own kids when they need me AND share in real life moments with people!

There is not a more simple way to say it really… but I LOVE WHAT I DO!

I get to hear peoples stories and I get to tell those stories.

I get to witness new beginnings and life’s most sacred times.

I get to be creative and show people how beautiful they are and how I see them.

I am lucky to do this to provide for my family and to give people the gift of literally stopping time for a moment so that one day we can remember that moment!

Thank you to YOU all for supporting what I do and loving it just as much as I do!

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