Oh these two. Their story begins at work. He noticed her long before she noticed him. But that was ok…because the extra head start he had gave him time to study her and learn all about who she was and what made Erica so unique.
One thing he noticed is that she loved Sour Patch Kids. You know…those super sour gummy candies that make your lips pucker but are so addicting! He also soon noticed that the ones she really loved were the red ones. Those were her most favorites.
So he got her a package or two and collected all the red ones and then placed them on her desk. And when Erica came to her desk to find the “only red” Sour Patch Kids…she realized that this guy was different. And he liked her as more than just a friend.
Fast forward a couple of years and lots of Sour Patch kids later…to walks together in Frankfort Illinois. They would walk and talk on the trail that led to a little pond and on one particular walk decided that this would be the spot that they would release a Chinese lantern every year together. But last July 5th…that promise to release a lantern every year became that more important as Chris asked Erica to be his wife!
Erica and Chris have a love you can feel when you are around them. They exude kindness and I think you will be able to feel the love…even from these images! Enjoy a preview of some of my favorites!
We made our way onto the beach and decided to stop by the car so that Erica could grab something.
It turned out to be her guitar. And she decided to play and sing a song to her soon to be groom. (And let me tell you…my eyes teared up and I had trouble focusing!)
Looking SO forward to being able to witness these two pledge their lives to one another in September!
Beautiful pictures!
Thank you Dory!